Explained: What exactly is full-stack development? | Full stack developer skills 2021

What exactly is full-stack development?

Now consider a web application, let's say Instagram, so every time you refresh the page new images are loaded so this is what the user experiences right new images are loaded onto his feed, but what exactly happens behind the scenes is that the back end fetches new images from the Instagram servers and these images are then loaded onto your Instagram feed.

The app is so easy to use and leaves the users extremely satisfied, in the case of any application there's always the front end the back end and the database.

So the process of building all of these aspects for an application is called full-stack development.

Who exactly full-stack development is?

Now basically a full stack developer who works with both the front end and the back end of an application. He or She has to be familiar with languages like HTML, CSS, javascript, and also one or more back-end frameworks like node.js and python.

Now, these developers have got all the web development skills to build websites and applications from start to finish.

Responsibilities of a full-stack developer

1. Developing the front end so as discussed they must be able to develop the user interface for the users with the help of HTML and CSS.

Design the backend 

Now, this is also the most crucial part of app development, they should be able to design robust back-end architecture to ensure the smooth functioning of fetching and updating.

2. Design database and servers

Now databases and servers must be resilient to any outages and must maintain consistency.

3. Cross-platform compatibility 

Now depending on the platforms, there could be some discrepancy and alteration in the functioning of an application right it's crucial to make sure that the applications behave accordingly on all these platforms.

4. Developing the APIs

Depending on the plant architecture the developer must be able to develop APIs. The application must also be responsive and interactive and keep the user completely engaged .

And lastly, it should meet all the technical and consumer requirements so these were the few responsibilities of a full stack developer.

Moving on let me explain to you a simple roadmap of how to go about becoming a full stack developer.

Important Tools and software required for Full Stack Development

1. Text Editor - Now the most widely used editor is Microsoft VS code it is free open source and can be used to code in different platforms like Windows, mc os and Linux.

2. Web browser so you can either use firefox or chrome but chrome is highly preferred now also you could need a few editor extensions and vs code has a few of them some of them could be live sas compiler and live server

Full-stack developer skills 2021 Roadmap

1. You need to have a good hold on html and css 

HTML  - HTML is a markup language that is used to define the content that appears on your web page. The developer can incorporate images text and videos depending on the requirements.

CSS - It is basically a state sheet which is used to decorate your entire application. It is used to define the appearance of the content say in terms of shape, color, size, spacing, etc.

2. Javascript - Now this is the most widely used front-end language and enhances the interaction with the web page, now you might want to brush up your knowledge on simple concepts like functions, objects, and loops. You can also learn ES6 features like callbacks, promises, Async/Await.

DOM manipulation and event, fetch API, and JSON, all of these are required when you're making use of different javascript frameworks and libraries.

React Native, Angular ,VUE, and Jquery are some of the javascript libraries and frameworks that one can use.

3. Version control 

Now git and github are the most widely used version control systems. Now git basically helps you manage project files, git basically keeps track of the entire history of things that the user is working on right. So it makes sure that it allows the user to backtrack and see what he's worked on until then

Github is basically a web-based service for version control using git, now the user can also look into other people's code, identify issues or errors, and also even propose changes. Now this comes in extremely helpful when you're working in a team.

Some of the backend technology/ languages roadmap for full stack devlopment

1. Node.js - Now this is basically an open source cross-platform runtime environment, that allows developers to create server-side tools and applications in javascript. Now node is typically used to create real-time applications with two-way connections, where both the client and the servers can communicate and exchange data without any hassle.

Python - Python is the easiest programming language out there and i'm sure everybody will agree with me with this so it also offers many libraries and frameworks for different technologies. 

Django - So when it comes to back end in full stack development django is a clear winner, now it is a high level python framework that enables rapid development of websites. It is also free and open source and has a huge active community of users. 

 Full Stack Development Trends in 2021

1. Blockchain - Now blockchain is an emerging technology and has seen tremendous growth in the last few years. Now it is also entered into domains like healthcare and finance.

Also If You want to know more about Blockchain then Make sure to check out my new post on

Is Blockchain Changing the World? What is Blockchain?

2. AI and chatbots - AI(Artfical Intillengce) is booming and there is no doubt in that so languages like python and javascript frameworks at tensorflow are widely used. Ai or artificial intelligence has been making a lot of people very excited these last few months.

Also If You want to know more about Blockchain then Make sure to check out my new post on

Why artificial intelligence is the future? | what is AI?

3. Mobile app development -  This is one of the top trends you should look out for in 2021. Now there are mobile applications for practically anything these days so frameworks like react native and flutter can be deployed to develop these applications.

Progressive web applications - Now these are like a hybrid of mobile and web apps they are faster to load and provide some amazing features like push notifications, another important feature is their ability to work offline.

4. IoT - With the increasing number of devices getting connected to the internet every second development of iot applications is also on a rise.

Also If You want to know more about Blockchain then Make sure to check out my new post on

IoT - Internet of Things Explained | What is IoT? | Future of IoT - Internet of Things

So these were a few trends that you should look out for in 2021.

Salary of full stack developers 

Now according to payscale the average salary of a full stack developer in india is around 590000 per annum.

The average salary of a full stack developer in the USs is around 75,000 US dollars per annum.

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